Jumat, 24 Desember 2010


Two rational knowledge that cannot be hesitated again relation it from the time ago untill now is mathematics and philosophy. However, their relation often be defined with mistake or error by some phylosof and  some mathematician, because possible interested by growth philosophy at the period ago. There are some mathematician to give dimiciling especial of  philosophy , they are Charles Bruemfiel, Robert Eicholz and Merril Shanks that cooperation in  in charcoal a geometry schoolbook, they write the the following statement.
“ in the early greek civilization, philosophy was the study of all branches of knowledge. As man’s learnig increased throught the ages, certain disciplines grew until they split away from philosophy and become separate areas of study. We no longer think of medicine, law, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, etc. As part of philosophy , although philosophy was the father of all theses sciences” (The Lieng Gie. Philosophy of Mathematics. 1999) 
From party filosof’s  like Francis Bacon ( 1561-1626) figure of Epoch renaissance from english express that philosophy as the great mother of the sciences. Become all science branch of[is inclusive of mathematics assumed to [by] born from famous mother or father as philosophy.
Philosophy and geometry is a mathematics branch, they born at the same time, same in place and from same father that is about 640-546 pre-christian or before Masehi, in miletus. (located in from other sideing west of state turki) from result of so called smart somebody finding of Thales. Therefore a filosof Wesiey Salmon writing a philosophy deliverer  about space, time, and move, the philosophy and mathematics expressed  as the twin sisters.
 Phylosuf or mathematician finding relation of philosophy and mathematics shall be as follows :
*      THALES (640-546 pre-christian )

Thales from Miletus, by all philosophy historian that he is confessed  as “father philosophy”. And some of master he is called as first phylosuf in  this world because pioneering geometry and arithemetic. And then people of yunani input he is as one or the other from seven people of philosof  yunani ( Seven Wise men of greece). Thales represent the philosopher founding experienced sect  ionia and question the single element what becoming base of change  this great world. That is irrigate, where this earth represent an object of form of saucer floating the above water corps which unlimited.
So is thales pioneer cosmology as philosophy nature questioning provenance, nature, and structure from this great world or the universe.
 In history of mathematics thales confessed as creator of first abstraction geometry pursuant to guide network measure the land;ground which have practicing on by nation of babylonia mesir  during for centuries.
He represent the first mathematician from yunani which is by ward bouwsma called as the “father of deductive reasoning”.
Herself confessed  have proved six fundamental theorem of geometri among other things that second  base angle from an  isosceles triangle  is of equal size.
 From above history evidence in the reality opinion that philosophy philosophy represent the father or mother from mathematics is wronging. Mathematics have never borned from philosophy but both expanding together and born from one who is of equal also.

*      PHYTAGORAS (572-497 pre-christian)

He found the sect phythagureanisme in]crotona which expressing of philosophy that’s substantion from all object is number, where is number as fundamental base  from nature of object.
 Philosophy phythagoras and all its follower  got  a theorem sounding “Number rules the universe”.
 Along with philosophy idolizing that number, the sect analyze and develop the fundamental of mathematics problem which nowadays the inclusive of number theory.
 Number theory by all follower phythagoras hooked;correlated also with the mystique teaching. Example  according to their belief, number 1 deputizing mind, number 2 deputizing men, number 3 deputizing woman, number 4 deputizing justice, and number 5 deputizing married ( number 2 addition  number 3  equal to men addition  woman), etc.
Weakness of metaphysics and mystique doctrine from its sect, phythagoras self is  mathematician  which name it’s famous untill to day to  all people learning mathematics, with the theorem  his phythagoras : sum up from square two side a right-angled triangle equal to it square opposite side ( a2 + b2 = c2 ).

*      ZENO FROM ELIA ( 490-430 pre-christian )

He talk the paradoxs which apropos of congeniality  the move , later space and time during for centuries bewilder all phylosuf and mathematician. Paradox conference  he are famous that is as follows :
 Dichotomy mistake : according to zeno move  impossible happened . To make a move to to reach certain distance, that object only go through 1 / 2 from such distance and before pass through over 1 / 2 must also pass the 1 / 2 from previous distance and so also further. This means space which can be divided into a dichotomy which its amount unfinited impossible to be gone through certain within. Therefor make a move from one other point to point others is impossible.

*      PLATO ( 348-428 pre-christian)
If phythagoras emphasize the important mathematics as a medium or appliance for understanding philoshophy, then plato affirm that erudite mathematics as good knowledge pursuant to pure reason become the key toward knowledge and truth philosophy and also for understanding  concerning the nature of ultimate reality.
 According to plato geometry is the science which pure reason proving form abstraction. Example abstraction : a line segment, triangle, perfect circle, etc.
 So highest appreciation of plato, then in the gateway of academic plato ( people place learn the philosophy) written sentence " let no man ignoran of geomtry enter".
In mathematics history that plato have ever speach to express the " God Ever geometrizes"
equation and difference of mathematics and philosophy
 philosophy and mathematics represent the rational knowledge, philosophy and mathematics do not the experiment and not use or need the laboratory appliance. And also math and philosophy move at high storey;level generalitas.
            Though philosophy and mathematics have the equation facet, however difference facet also there is. although both of the same representing of rational knowledge, philosophy and mathematics of each utilizing different rational method . free philosophy we can say  studying with refer to the rational method [is] which is all kinds of while mathematics only work with one logical method that is deduction.
Main problem in philosophy study shall be as follows :
1.      Epistemologi Mathematics
Epistemologi mathematic was knowledge theory which target of the core important is mathematics knowledge. Epistemologi as one part of from philosophy represent the reflective thingking to  various facet from knowledge of like possibility, germinal, nature, boundary, assumption and basis for, coming up with the truth of mathematics
2.      Ontology mathematics
Ontology mathematics as theory aboute what there is. Relation   between  ontologis ( metafisis) and  the mathematics of quite a lot generating problem studied by some mathematician. In mathematics ontology questioned  coverage from mathematics statement ( coverage of real world with the illusive world). View of realism empirik reply that the coverage represent a reality
3.      Methodologies Mathematics
Methodologies mathematics is observation to special method  in mathematics. According to  Alfret Tarski  this solution  known as Methodology of deductive sciences, and then changed by theory of proof ( verification theory). Special method from inveterate mathematics nowadays known as “ axiomatic method or hypothetical-deductive method”
4.      Logical Structure of Mathematics
Logical structure of mathematics represent the part of mathematics philosophy studying about that logical structure. That’s logical structure at one's feet of laws of logic, requiring high in logical precision and reach the logical conclusions. From existing structure hence mathematics defined  as a corps from logical system. So nature from mathematics is logic and even writing in the field of mathematics knowledge need also with the logical style
5.      Ethical Implication from mathematics
Mathematics growth which wide very and fast remarkable progress in this century will do not want to have the certain implication for behavior  human being especially having the character of ethical in society for example : growth of binary arithemetic uniting technologically is electronic borne kinds of computers.
6.      Aesthetic aspect from mathematics .
            In mathematics decision not rarely mathematics viewed as  an art and represent a swan song, mathematics is self contain the beauty. Mathematician Morris kline in its study culturally to mathematics express that " Good Mathematics must satisfy one of the three criteria, immediate usefulness in science, potential usefulness or beauty "...
 Mathematics role in human being civilization history

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